
The Wings of The Dove (Owc) *

James, Henry

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KiadóOxford University Press
Nyelvi szintC2-anyanyelvi
SorozatOxford World\'s Classics
Set in turn-of-the-century London, Henry James' The Wings of the Dove tells the story of Mildred Milly Theale, an orphaned American heiress, and the mixed motives of those around her, namely Kate Croy. Kate is a scheming young woman in love with Merton
Densher, a man too poor to offer her a fashionable marriage. Thus, she conspires to push Merton towards Milly, who has an unnamed fatal illness, with the hope of eventually enhancing her lover's financial status. Like much of James' earlier works, The
Wings of the Dove involves the universal themes of selfishness, greed, conspiracy, love, and betrayal. It also addresses the Victorian tradition and pitches American innocence against European cunning. However, the novel, written later in the author's
life, deals with deeper psychological aspects than his earlier works. While it does include social commentary, the central conflict of the novel regards moral character as opposed to cultural background. There have been many adaptations of The Wings of
the Dove.