
A Dictionary of World History 3Rd Ed.

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KiadóOxford University Press
Méret (cm)19.6x12.9x0.0
Nyelvi szintC2-anyanyelvi
Kiadás éve2015
A Dictionary of World History

Third Edition
Edited by Anne Kerr and Edmund Wright
Oxford Quick Reference

Fully revised and updated history dictionary, containing over 4,000 clear, concise, and accessible entries
Includes biographies of key figures in world history, from Alexander the Great to Pope Francis, Elizabeth I to Nelson Mandela
International coverage: detailed entries for every country in the world
In-depth entries on religious and political movements, international organizations, and key battles and their after-effects
Detailed maps covering events and topics such as Black Death, the American War of Independence, and the Ottoman Empire
Entry-level web links listed and regularly updated on a dedicated companion website