
Into the Classroom módszertani sorozat

Az általános- és középiskolai tanárok számára készült módszertani sorozat, most új kiadvánnyal bővült. Mobile Learning címmel.

A sorozat kiadványai hatékony segítséget nyújtanak az új technikai és tanítási módszerek tantermi bevezetéséhez.

A kötetek megvásárolhatók az Oxford könyvesboltban (V. kerület Gerlóczy utca 7.)
Valamint 15% kedvezménnyel megrendelhetők a könyvesbolt webáruházában.

  • Mobile Learning (Into The Classroom)

    Mobile Learning (Into The Classroom)

    Shaun Wilden
    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    A kiadvány a mobil eszközök és applikációk használatába vezet be.Számtalan gyakorlatot és feladatot mutat, amelyek azonnal beilleszthetők a tanításba.Mobile Learning provides clear guidance and essential support for teachers who want to use mobile devices in and outside the language classroom. Full of practical ideas and activities, it emphasizesthe power of the mobile device as a tool for languagelearning.- Helps teachers get started with using mobile devices and apps in class.- Shows how to make the most of in-built features, such as messaging, photos, and audio recording.- Introduces more advanced project ideas, including digital storytelling, video and animation, multimodal approaches, and augmented reality.- Addresses issues such as acceptable use policies and staying safe.- Provides teachers with dozens of practical ideas and activities they can immediately incorporate into their teaching.
    ISBN: 9780194200394
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 895 Ft

    4 161 Ft(15%)

  • Bringing Extesive Teaching Inti The Classroom

    Extensive Reading (Revised Ed. of The Bringing Ext. Reading)

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    - Describes and explains what is meant by extensive reading and its contribution to language learning.- Explains what is meant by a graded reader and what makes a good graded reader.- Understand how a graded readers series is written and how it supports extensive reading- Explains how you can use class readers, class libraries, and class reading circlesExtensive reading is an increasingly important part of English language education. Using appropriately graded readers, extensive reading gives students the opportunity to see the language they learn in class in the context of a story or factual book.Choosing a book they want to read, and when and where they want to read encourages learner autonomy. It improves reading skills and also supports the development of writing skills. But perhaps most importantly it is, for many students, a pleasurable wayto use their language skills.
    ISBN: 9780194200363
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 995 Ft

    3 396 Ft(15%)

  • Special Educational Needs

    Special Educational Needs

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    * az SNI különböző kategóriái és megjelenési formái* praktikus osztálytermi stratégiák a tanulók támogatásához ás az SNI-s diákok integrálásához* óratervezés a vegyes képasségű csoportok tanításához- Helps teachers recognise the main types of SEN and address the three key problem areas which commonly affect learning.- Gives clear practical tips on planning and classroom management which will benefit all students, not only those with SEN.- Emphasises the importance of working collaboratively with parents/carers and provides strategies to do this effectively.- Guides teachers through the use of assistive technology to support SEN learning.- Extra resources are available on the website: www.oup.com/elt/teacher/itcSpecial Educational Needs provides teachers with strategies and practical teaching ideas for includingstudents with special educational needs in mainstream language classrooms.
    ISBN: 9780194200370
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    7 180 Ft

    6 103 Ft(15%)

  • Mixed-Ability Teaching

    Mixed-Ability Teaching (Into The Classroom)

    Edmund Dudley / Erika Osváth
    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    MIXED-ABILITY TEACHING(Osváth Erika, Edmund Dudley)- bemutatja, hogyan teremtsünk pozitív osztálytermi légkört, mely minden diák számára megfelelő támogatást és kihívást nyújt- praktikus ötleteket ad a csoportbontásra, a különböző készségfejlesztő feladatokba való bevonásukra- Helps teachers prepare effectively for lessons by looking at the factors and variables that characterize mixed-ability groups.- Suggests constructive and imaginative solutions to the challenges associated with activating all learners in mixed-ability groups.- Explores a learner-centred approach to assessment and develops techniques that combine evaluation with learning.- Provides practical classroom ideas for improving the learning environment through differentiated and open-ended language learning activities.
    ISBN: 9780194200387
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    7 300 Ft

    6 205 Ft(15%)

  • Bringing Technology Into The Classroom

    Bringing Technology Into The Classroom

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    * online és offline eszközök alkalmazása részletes útmutatóval* gyakorlatias osztálytermi ötletek* időt sporoló önbizalmat építő tippek, hogy a lehető legtöbbet hozzunk ki a technikából- Describes and explains technologies in non-technical language- Tips on using interactive whiteboards- Includes a checklist of technology tools and suggestions for use- Clear explanations and 'Try this' ideas give you confidence to introduce new technologies into your classroom- Photocopiable worksheets to illustrate use of different technologies- Website includes interactive activities showing technology in action
    ISBN: 9780194425940
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 855 Ft

    3 277 Ft(15%)

  • Bringing Online Video Into The Classroom

    Bringing Online Video Into The Classroom

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    * angoltanítás videóval: elvek, technikák és praktikus ötletek* onlilne videók felhasználása és készítése bármely korosztály nyelvtanításához, technikai tudástól függetlenül- Shows you how to find, display, create and organize online videos- 'Try this' feature provides over 150 innovative and intriguing interactive activities- Makes reference to over 80 online videos to illustrate ideas- Provides practical ideas for incorporating video-recording devices into the classroom- Introduces teachers to issues of copyright and internet safety- Contains eight Appendices of annotated online resources for reference
    ISBN: 9780194421560
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 895 Ft

    4 161 Ft(15%)

  • Bringing Creative Teaching Into The Young Learner Classroom

    Bringing Creative Teaching Into The Young Learner Classroom

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    * feladatok, ötletek az 5-12 éves korosztály nyelvtanításához, elmélet és gyakorlat egyben* hogyan lelkesítsük és motiváljuk tanulóinkat kreatív ötletekkelAn accessible guide to using English in the classroom for non-native speaker teachers.- Describes and explains how to understand, challenge and support young learners- Tips on using technology, using make believe, assessment, and bringing the real world into the classroom- 'Try this' ideas show you how to introduce a new activity- 'Why this works' explains the benefits of a specific activity or approach, helping you decide if it is appropriate for your learners- Includes ideas for developing your own English, both inside and outside the classroom- Written by two experienced teachers and teacher trainers
    ISBN: 9780194422482
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 510 Ft

    4 684 Ft(15%)