
Winter's Tale (Owc) *

Shakespeare, William

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3 390 Ft

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Könyv jellemzők

KiadóOxford University Press
Nyelvi szintC2-anyanyelvi
SorozatOxford World\'s Classics
Includes a complete reprint of Shakespeare's source, Robert Greene's Pandosto

The Winter's Tale is Shakespeare's most perfectly realized tragi- comedy, as notable for its tragic intensity as for its comic grace and, throughout, for the richness and complexity of its poetry. It concludes, moreover, with the most daring and moving
reconciliation scene in all Shakespeare's plays.

Though the title may suggest an escapist fantasy, recent criticism has seen in the play a profoundly realist psychology and a powerful commentary on the violence implicit in family relationships and deep, longlasting friendships. Stephen Orgel's edition
considers the play in relation to Renaissance conceptions of both dramatic genre and the family, traces the changing critical and theatrical attitudes towards it, and places its psychological and dramatic conflicts within the Jacobean cultural and
political context. The commentary pays special attention to the play's linguistic complexity, and the edition also includes a complete reprint of Shakespeare's source, Pandosto, by Robert Greene.