
Oxford English For Careers: Nursing 2 SB

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KiadóOxford University Press
Nyelvi szintB1-B2
Legújabb szaknyelvi sorozat igazán friss szemlélettel készült annak tudatában, hogy a szakközépiskolában és főiskolákon szakmai gyakorlattal még nem rendelkező, a szakterületre csak készülő diákok megismerkedhessenek a kereskedelem, a turizmus, az
egészségügy vagy a műszaki világ

1 Admission by A & E
Triage assessment, types of triage, an emergency call

2 Admission by referral
General symptoms, polite phrases, hospital admissions

3 Obstetrics
Pregnancy and labour, diseases and conditions to avoid in pregnancy, from pregnancy to birth

4 Pharmacy
Monitoring the effects of medication, side effects, plants used in treatment

5 Ophthalmology
Directing patients, the eye, eye conditions

6 Dermatology
Assessing pain, the skin, pain assessment methods, skin conditions

7 Oncology
Staging, cancer therapy and prevention, treatment options

8 Gastroenterology
The digestive system, biopsy results, discussing case history

9 Neurology
Glasgow coma scale, researching head injuries, an unconscious patient

10 Coronary
Giving an ECG, the circulation of blood, treatments of heart problems

11 Surgery
Post-operative complications, researching a procedure, preparing the patient for surgery

12 Infectious diseases
Changing a dressing, describing symptoms, barrier nursing

13 Renal
The kidney, how the kidney works, organ donation, dialysis

14 Psychiatry
Manifestations of mental disorders, types of suicide

15 Outpatients
Common conditions treated in outpatients, appointments diary, examining a child