
Műszaki nyelv

  • English For Aviation: Book+Multi-Rom - Express Series

    English For Aviation Book - Express Series

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    EXPRESS SERIES - INDUSTRIES- Engaging topics, motivating role-plays, and a variety of exercises provide a framework for each specialist subject- Tip boxes in each unit include key language points, useful phrases, and strategies- STARTER section at the beginning of each unit has warm-up and awareness-raising activities- OUTPUT sections at the end of each unit encourage discussion and reflection- Answers, transcripts, and a glossary of useful phrases at the back of each book- Self-study material on the interactive MultiROM includes realistic listening extracts and interactive exercises for extra practiceEnglish for Aviation is written by two authors with vast experience in teaching aviation English. The material has been authenticated by pilots, air traffic controllers and aviation English trainers in countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Brazil,Asia, and the Middle East.The book has eight units taking students from pre-flight checks, through the flight path, to switching off the engines, with all content aligned to ICAO 'Operational Level 4' guidelines. Events covered include ground movements, departure, cruising,contact and approach, and landing.The course supports standard radiotelephony phraseology and helps to improve students' plain English in the skill areas specified by ICAO, such as pronunciation, structure, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and interactions.
    ISBN: 9780194579421
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    6 200 Ft

    5 270 Ft(15%)

  • Engineering Workshop

    Engineering Workshop

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    - A kötetek használata bármilyen szakközépiskolás tananyaghoz ajánlott kiegészítő anyagként a meglévő munkafüzet mellé, illetve akár a tankönyvhöz kapcsolódó munkafüzet helyett is.- Minden szakirányhoz egy-egy 40 oldalas füzet tartozik, melyben 28 (az IT esetében 27) egy- illetve kétoldalas lecke található.- A fekete-fehér füzetek otthoni gyakorlásra, illetve órai munkára is alkalmasak.- Céljuk elsősorban az adott szintű nyelvi elemek begyakoroltatása szakirányú témákon keresztül, melyek a korosztály érdeklődésének megfelelnek és a szakmai szókincs elsajátítását is biztosítják.
    ISBN: 9780194388276
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 655 Ft

    2 257 Ft(15%)

  • Tech Talk Pre-Intermediate Workbook

    Tech Talk Pre-Intermediate Workbook

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194574600
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 195 Ft

    2 716 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Technology 2 SB

    Oxford English For Careers: Technology 2 SB

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Legújabb szaknyelvi sorozat igazán friss szemlélettel készült annak tudatában, hogy a szakközépiskolában és főiskolákon szakmai gyakorlattal még nem rendelkező, a szakterületre csak készülő diákok megismerkedhessenek a kereskedelem, a turizmus, azegészségügy vagy a műszaki világ
    ISBN: 9780194569538
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    8 260 Ft

    7 021 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 1 Class Audio Cd

    Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 1 Class Audio Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    A new, up-to-date course where students learn the English they need for a career in commerce, tourism, nursing, medicine, or technology. Oxford English for Careers is a series which prepares pre-work students for starting their career. Everything in eachStudent Book is vocation specific,
    ISBN: 9780194569675
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 600 Ft

    2 210 Ft(15%)

  • Tech Talk Elementary Student's Book

    Tech Talk Elementary Student's Book

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    - Nem száraz szaknyelvet tanít, a nyelvtanárnak nem szükséges műszaki szakértőnek lennie.- Egyszerű, a legszükségesebb ismereteket tartalmazó nyelvezet, egyértelmű és logikus szerkezet, melynek célja az azonnali kommunikáció megkönnyítése.- Szókincse a műszaki-technikai alkalmazások nyelvezetére épül.- Rövid, gyakorlati jellegű beszédkészség fejlesztő feladatok, melyek az azonnali kontextusbeli nyelvhasználatot teszik lehetővé pl. szándékok elmagyarázása, utasítások adása, működési elvek leírása.- Gyakori ismétlés, az új szókincs folyamatos szinten tartása.- Konkrét segítség a telefonáláshoz, az e-mail-ezéshez és a műszaki információk olvasásához.- Az alapveto 'túlélő készségek' elsajátítása, pl az idegen helyen történő eligazodás, pénzváltás, ételrendelés stb.- Játékok, keresztrejtvények, élvezetes gyakorlatok, vicces ábrák, szemléletes képek, sok humor. Alkotórészek: Student's Book: 21 lecke, egyenként 4 oldalon különböző témaköröket dolgoz fel. A leckék moduláris jelleguek, vagyis bármely sorrendben elvégezhetők. Rendszeres ismétlés 'Review and Remember' leckék A hallásértés fejlesztő feladatok szövegei Workbook: Tanórai és önálló használatra is ideális A tankönyvet kiegészítő további feladatok és gyakorlatok Megoldókulcs Teacher's Book: Óravázlatok, jegyzetek Információk és ötletek a műszaki területen járatlan tanárok részére A tankönyv teljes megoldókulcsa További gyakorlatok és játékok a vegyes képességű csoportok gyorsabb tanulói számára. A Tech Talk tanári honlapja további interaktív feladatokkal, szójegyzékkel és tesztekkel segíti a kollégákat.
    ISBN: 9780194574532
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld
    Ameddíg a készlet tart (utolsó 1-10 pld)

    Webes ár:

    4 200 Ft

    3 570 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Technology 1 SB

    Oxford English For Careers: Technology 1 SB

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194569507
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    7 995 Ft

    6 796 Ft(15%)

  • Tech Talk Intermediate Student's Book

    Tech Talk Intermediate Student's Book

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194575416
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 200 Ft

    3 570 Ft(15%)

  • Recycling - Obw Factfiles 3 * 2E

    Recycling - Obw Factfiles 3 * 2E

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    CEFR B1Word count 10,098Headwords 1,000What will we do when there is nowhere to put our rubbish? Every day, all over the world, people drop cans, boxes, paper, and bottles into bins and never think about them again. And the rubbishmountains get bigger and bigger. But there is another way - away that makes old paper into houses, broken bottles into jewellery, and old cans into bridges. Anyone can recycle - it's easy, it saves money, and it's a way to say, 'I care about the Earth.' Saving the world starts with you - here - now.
    ISBN: 9780194233897
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • English For Energy Industry: Book+ Multi-Rom - Express Ser.

    English For Energy Industry Book- Express Series

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    EXPRESS SERIES - INDUSTRIESEnglish for the Energy Industry is part of the Express Series. It is an ideal course for students in employment, who want to communicate better in English.This short, intensive course can be completed in 25-30 hours, so students make progress quickly.English for the Energy Industry can be used as a stand-alone course, for self-study using the interactive MultiROM, or alongside a coursebook such as International Express.English for the Energy Industry gives students the necessary linguistic skills to understand daily situations in the work environment, and complex developments within the global energy sector.English for the Energy Industry is divided into units by theme, such as energy production, environmental protection, technology, PR, business policy, and strategy.Reading texts, diagrams, and authentic documents help students to learn key vocabulary and phrases in context. Role-plays allow learners to practise language and skills in realistic situations.
    ISBN: 9780194579216
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    6 200 Ft

    5 270 Ft(15%)

  • Future Energy - Obw Factfiles 3 Book+Cd

    Future Energy - Obw Factfiles 3 Book+Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    CEFR B1Word count 10,244Headwords 1,000Right now, all over the world, people are using energy. As we drive our cars, work on our computers, or evencook food on a wood fire, we probably do not stop to think about where the energy comes from. But when the gas is gone and there is no more coal - what then? Scientists are finding new answers all the time. Get ready for the children whose running feetmake the energy to bring water to their village
    ISBN: 9780194794480
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    1 895 Ft

    1 611 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Technology 1 Trb

    Oxford English For Careers: Technology 1 Trb

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194569514
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    7 560 Ft

    6 426 Ft(15%)

  • Tech Talk Intermediate Workbook

    Tech Talk Intermediate Workbook

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Workbook:- Tanórai és önálló használatra is ideális- A tankönyvet kiegészítő további feladatok és gyakorlatok- Megoldókulcs
    ISBN: 9780194575423
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 195 Ft

    2 716 Ft(15%)

  • Tech Talk Pre-Intermediate Audio Cd

    Tech Talk Pre-Intermediate Class Audio Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194574617
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 790 Ft

    4 071 Ft(15%)

  • Future Energy - Obw Factfiles 3

    Future Energy - Obw Factfiles 3

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    CEFR B1Word count 10,244Headwords 1,000Right now, all over the world, people are using energy. As we drive our cars, work on our computers, or evencook food on a wood fire, we probably do not stop to think about where the energy comes from. But when the gas is gone and there is no more coal - what then? Scientists are finding new answers all the time. Get ready for the children whose running feetmake the energy to bring water to their village
    ISBN: 9780194794497
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Technology 2 Cd

    Oxford English For Careers: Technology 2 Audio Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194569552
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 600 Ft

    2 210 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Technology For Eng.& Appl. Cd

    Oxford English For Careers: Technology For Eng.& Appl. Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    TECHNOLOGY FOR ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES * SPECIAL EDITION (AUDIO CD - TANKÖNYV HANGANYAGA)A course for pre-work students who are studying for a career in the technology industryTechnology for Engineering and Applied Sciences: Special Edition is a course for pre-work students taking technology-related courses, who will need to communicate accurately in English at work.Technology for Engineering and Applied Sciences: Special Edition is ideal for pre-work students studying at pre-intermediate to intermediate level, who will need to use English in work situations.The course develops the vocabulary, language, and skills that students will need in order to effectively solve problems in the workplace, discuss the latest technological innovations, and communicate clearly with non-specialists.This special edition combines selected units from Technology 1 and 2, in addition to 4 brand new units covering Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Digital Technology.*Authentic and up-to date information in every course, written and checked by industry insiders*This special edition combines 21 selected units from Technology 1 and 2, in addition to 4 new ones covering Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Digital Technology*Clear and straightforward structure, with each unit containing a menu of learning outcomes, and an end-of-unit checklist with 'Can do' tick boxes*Teaches English in context, so students practise the language and skills they need for the job in real work situations*Real-world profiles from genuine professionals in the 'It's my job' section offer authentic and engaging insights into the industry*Extra facts, figures, quotations, and specialist terminology included in the top margin of unit pages*Additional activities and tests in the Teacher's Resource Book make the course suitable for mixed-ability classes*The Teacher's Resource Book provides specialist background to the industry for every unit, as well as industry tips to support non-expert teachers*Project work in the Student's Book, additional activities on the Student's Site, and a Key words list of essential vocabulary at the end of every unit provide extra opportunities for revisionTechnology for Engineering and Applied Sciences: Special Edition gives students the language, information, and skills they will need for their career in the technology industry.It presents students with English from a variety of technological fields and situations, such as manufacturing, transport, and medical technology. The course develops students' communication skills, and provides them with background information in majortechnological concepts.This special edition combines 21 selected units from Technology 1 and 2, in addition to 4 new ones covering Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Digital Technology. Every unit is supported by listening material on the new double audio CD, as well asteaching notes, photocopiable language tests, and class activities in the Teacher's Resource Book (available online). Here, teachers can also find an extended Reading and Writing Bank, containing 18 new texts, comprehension questions, and reading andwriting tips.'It's my job' sections offer students an insight into the lives of real people who work in the technology industry. The profiles are based on authentic interviews and sources, and teach students about the skills required for different businessenvironments.The 'Customer Care' sections give learners extra speaking and writing practice, teaching them how to communicate accurately and clearly in English when explaining complex technical matters to non-specialists.The course supports teachers in the vocational teaching situation, providing them with specialist background information for the industry.
    ISBN: 9780194569736
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 200 Ft

    4 420 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Technology 1 Cd

    Oxford English For Careers: Technology 1 Audio Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194569521
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 600 Ft

    2 210 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Technology 2 TB

    Oxford English For Careers: Technology 2 TB

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194569545
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    6 850 Ft

    5 823 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Technology For Eng.& Applied Sc.

    Oxford English For Careers: Technology For Eng.& Applied Sc.

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    TECHNOLOGY FOR ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES * SPECIAL EDITION (TANKÖNYV)A course for pre-work students who are studying for a career in the technology industryTechnology for Engineering and Applied Sciences: Special Edition is a course for pre-work students taking technology-related courses, who will need to communicate accurately in English at work.Technology for Engineering and Applied Sciences: Special Edition is ideal for pre-work students studying at pre-intermediate to intermediate level, who will need to use English in work situations.The course develops the vocabulary, language, and skills that students will need in order to effectively solve problems in the workplace, discuss the latest technological innovations, and communicate clearly with non-specialists.This special edition combines selected units from Technology 1 and 2, in addition to 4 brand new units covering Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Digital Technology.*Authentic and up-to date information in every course, written and checked by industry insiders*This special edition combines 21 selected units from Technology 1 and 2, in addition to 4 new ones covering Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Digital Technology*Clear and straightforward structure, with each unit containing a menu of learning outcomes, and an end-of-unit checklist with 'Can do' tick boxes*Teaches English in context, so students practise the language and skills they need for the job in real work situations*Real-world profiles from genuine professionals in the 'It's my job' section offer authentic and engaging insights into the industry*Extra facts, figures, quotations, and specialist terminology included in the top margin of unit pages*Additional activities and tests in the Teacher's Resource Book make the course suitable for mixed-ability classes*The Teacher's Resource Book provides specialist background to the industry for every unit, as well as industry tips to support non-expert teachers*Project work in the Student's Book, additional activities on the Student's Site, and a Key words list of essential vocabulary at the end of every unit provide extra opportunities for revisionTechnology for Engineering and Applied Sciences: Special Edition gives students the language, information, and skills they will need for their career in the technology industry.It presents students with English from a variety of technological fields and situations, such as manufacturing, transport, and medical technology. The course develops students' communication skills, and provides them with background information in majortechnological concepts.This special edition combines 21 selected units from Technology 1 and 2, in addition to 4 new ones covering Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Digital Technology. Every unit is supported by listening material on the new double audio CD, as well asteaching notes, photocopiable language tests, and class activities in the Teacher's Resource Book (available online). Here, teachers can also find an extended Reading and Writing Bank, containing 18 new texts, comprehension questions, and reading andwriting tips.'It's my job' sections offer students an insight into the lives of real people who work in the technology industry. The profiles are based on authentic interviews and sources, and teach students about the skills required for different businessenvironments.The 'Customer Care' sections give learners extra speaking and writing practice, teaching them how to communicate accurately and clearly in English when explaining complex technical matters to non-specialists.The course supports teachers in the vocational teaching situation, providing them with specialist background information for the industry.
    ISBN: 9780194569712
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    8 995 Ft

    7 646 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 1 TB

    Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 1 TB

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194569668
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 580 Ft

    3 893 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 2 TB

    Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 2 TB

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194569699
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 270 Ft

    3 630 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 1 SB

    Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 1 SB

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Legújabb szaknyelvi sorozat igazán friss szemlélettel készült annak tudatában, hogy a szakközépiskolában és főiskolákon szakmai gyakorlattal még nem rendelkező, a szakterületre csak készülő diákok megismerkedhessenek azolaj és gázipari műszaki világalapjaival miközben az angol nyelvet is
    ISBN: 9780194569651
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 550 Ft

    4 717 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 2 SB

    Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 2 SB

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Legújabb szaknyelvi sorozat igazán friss szemlélettel készült annak tudatában, hogy a szakközépiskolában és főiskolákon szakmai gyakorlattal még nem rendelkező, a szakterületre csak készülő diákok megismerkedhessenek azolaj és gázipari műszaki világalapjaival miközben az angol nyelvet is
    ISBN: 9780194569682
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 555 Ft

    4 722 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 2 Class Audio Cd

    Oxford English For Careers: Oil and Gas 2 Class Audio Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    A pre-intermediate course for students studying for a career in the oil and gas industries, who will need English to communicate at work. A new, up-to-date course where students learn the English they need for a career in commerce, tourism, nursing,medicine, or technology. Oxford English
    ISBN: 9780194569705
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 600 Ft

    2 210 Ft(15%)

  • Tech Talk Intermediate Class Audio Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194575454
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 790 Ft

    4 071 Ft(15%)

  • Technical English 2Nd.Ed. Level 1 Course Book + Ebook

    Bonamy, David
    Kiadó: Pearson
    ISBN: 9781292424460
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    9 790 Ft

    8 322 Ft(15%)

  • Technical English 2Nd Ed. Level 1 Workbook + Audio Code

    Kiadó: Pearson
    ISBN: 9781292424507
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    6 990 Ft

    5 941 Ft(15%)