

  • A Philosophical Enquiry Into The Origin of Our Ideas (Owc)

    A Philosophical Enquiry Into The Origin of Our Ideas (Owc)

    Burke, Edmund
    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    'Pain and pleasure are simple ideas, incapable of definition.'In 1757 the 27-year-old Edmund Burke argued that our aesthetic responses are experienced as pure emotional arousal, unencumbered by intellectual considerations. In so doing he overturned the Platonic tradition in aesthetics that had prevailed fromantiquity until the eighteenth century, and replaced metaphysics with psychology and even physiology as the basis for the subject. Burke's theory of beauty encompasses the female form, nature, art, and poetry, and he analyses our delight in sublimeeffects that thrill and excite us. His revolution in method continues to have repercussions in the aesthetic theories of today, and his revolution in sensibility has paved the way for literary and artistic movements from the Gothic novel throughRomanticism, twentieth-century painting, and beyond.In this new edition Paul Guyer conducts the reader through Burke's Enquiry, focusing on its place in the history of aesthetics and highlighting its innovations, as well as its influence on many subsequent authors from Kant and Schiller to Ruskin andNietzsche.
    ISBN: 9780199668717
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 810 Ft

    3 238 Ft(15%)

  • The Expedition of Humphry Clinker (Owc)*

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780199538980
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 745 Ft

    2 333 Ft(15%)

  • The Photographer At Sixteen

    The Photographer At Sixteen

    Szirtes, George
    Kiadó: Quercus Publishing
    A poet's memoir of his mother that flows backwards through time, and excavates a shard of European history - a deeply honest, tender and yet unsentimental autobiographical journey.A poet's memoir of his mother that flows backwards through time, and through a tumultuous period of European history - a tender and yet unsparing autobiographical journey.In July 1975, Magda Szirtes died in the ambulance on the way to hospital after she had tried to take her own life. She was fifty-one years old. The Photographer at Sixteen spools into the past, through her exile in England, her flight with her husbandand two young boys from Hungary in 1956 and her time in two concentration camps, her girlhood as an ambitious photographer, and the unknowable fate of her vanished family in Transylvania.The woman who emerges - with all her contradictions - is utterly captivating. What were the terrors and obsessions that drove her? The Photographer at Sixteen reveals a life from the depths of its final days to the comparable safety of its childhood. Itis a book born of curiosity, of guilt and of love.
    ISBN: 9780857058546
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 455 Ft

    4 637 Ft(15%)

  • Becoming

    Becoming (Pb)

    Obama, Michelle
    Kiadó: Penguin Books Ltd
    THE NO. 1 BESTSELLERBRITISH BOOK AWARDS, NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEARTHE SUNDAY TIMES, MEMOIR OF THE YEARBOOKS OF THE YEAR: THE TIMES, OBSERVER, GUARDIAN, EVENING STANDARDNow in paperback featuring a new introduction by Michelle Obama, a letter from the author to her younger self, and a book club guide with 20 discussion questions and a 5-question Q&A, the intimate, powerful, and inspiring memoir by the former First Ladyof the United StatesIn her memoir, a work of deep reflection and mesmerizing storytelling, Michelle Obama invites readers into her world, chronicling the experiences that have shaped her -- from her childhood on the South Side of Chicago to her years as an executivebalancing the demands of motherhood and work, to her time spent at the world's most famous address. With unerring honesty and lively wit, she describes her triumphs and her disappointments, both public and private, telling her full story as she has livedit -- in her own words and on her own terms.Warm, wise, and revelatory, Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily defied expectations -- and whose story inspires us to do the same.
    ISBN: 9780241982976
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 500 Ft

    3 825 Ft(15%)

  • Girl Woman Other PB

    Girl, Woman, Other (Pb)

    Kiadó: Hamilton
    WINNER OF THE BOOKER PRIZE 2019***SHORTLISTED FOR THE WOMEN'S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2020This is Britain as you've never read it. This is Britain as it has never been told. From Newcastle to Cornwall, from the birth of the twentieth century to the teens of the twenty-first, Girl, Woman, Other follows a cast of twelve characters on theirpersonal journeys through this country and the last hundred years. They're each looking for something - a shared past, an unexpected future, a place to call home, somewhere to fit in, a lover, a missed mother, a lost father, even just a touch of hope . .
    ISBN: 9780241984994
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 990 Ft

    3 392 Ft(15%)

  • Peculiar Ground

    Peculiar Ground

    Hughes-Hallett, Lucy
    Kiadó: Harper Collins
    A The Time szerint az év egyik legjobb angol regényét tarthatja kezében az olvasó. A Peculiar Ground (Különleges föld) Lucy Hughes-Hallett lélegzetelállító, ambiciózus, gyönyörű és időtlen regénye vadőrökről és kurtizánokról, agitátorokról ésarisztokratákról, szerelmi zsengékről és az erő, az idős kor pátoszáról és nem mellesleg arról, hogyan építünk falakat magunk köré, hogy kizárjunk másokat és ezzel abba a hamis illúzióba ringatjuk magunkat, hogy megoldottuk a problémát és a kívülrőljövők nem jelentenek majd fenyegetést.Wychwood egy zárt világ. Még a messzi 17. században épült egy nagy ház, melyet fallal vettek körül. Ez lett az alapja annak a városnak, melyet Mr. Norris tervezett. Egy mesterséges település dísztavakkal, hatalmas sugárutakkal. Egy világ, ahol mindenkimenedéket találhat, akinek van valami rejtegetni valója. Van, aki évtizedekkel a polgárháború után húzta itt meg magát, ahol az erdőben törvényen kívüliek bujkálnak és a titkos kerti zugokban, csalitosokban szerelmesek időznek a kíváncsi szemek elől. Avárosnak időről időre meg kell küzdenie a kívülről behatolókkal, mint a nagy járványok idején a városokból menekülőkkel...Évszázadokkal később egy újabb falat emelnek, amely az egész világot megváltoztatja. Felépítik a berlini falat, amely kettészakítja a német fővárost. Mindeközben Wychwoodban, egy forró, bágyadt hétvégén erotikus eseményeket árnyékol be a történelmi hír.Egy kislány Nell, azonban mindent megfigyel és feljegyez.Nell felnő és a várost ellepik a kívülállók. Zenei fesztivált rendeznek a tóparton, a tévések ellepik az étkezőt és a Great Storm (így nevezik azt az 1987-es trópusi vihart, mely a Vizcaya-öböltől kiindulva végigsöpört Franciaországon aCsatorna-szigeteken és Nagy Britannián, több halálos áldozatot követelve) csak készülődik... Ám egy fal sem áll örökké. A berlini falat is ledöntötték. Felhangzik a fatva hangja is. Újabb probléma. Wychwoodban ismét menekültek keresnek oltalmat...It is the 17th century and a wall is being built around a great house. Wychwood is an enclosed world, its ornamental lakes and majestic avenues planned by Mr Norris, landscape-maker. A world where everyone has something to hide after decades of civilwar, where dissidents shelter in the forest, lovers linger in secret gardens, and migrants, fleeing the plague, are turned away from the gate.Three centuries later, another wall goes up overnight, dividing Berlin, while at Wychwood, over one hot, languorous weekend, erotic entanglements are shadowed by news of historic change. A little girl, Nell, observes all.Nell grows up and Wychwood is invaded. There is a pop festival by the lake, a TV crew in the dining room and a Great Storm brewing. As the Berlin wall comes down, a fatwa signals a different ideological faultline and a refugee seeks safety in Wychwood.From the multi-award-winning author of The Pike comes a breathtakingly ambitious, beautiful and timely novel about game keepers and witches, agitators and aristocrats, about young love and the pathos of aging, and about how those who wall others out riskfinding themselves.
    ISBN: 9780008126544
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 540 Ft

    3 009 Ft(15%)

  • Sterne Von Eger

    Sterne Von Eger

    Gárdonyi Géza
    Kiadó: Corvina Kiadó
    A külföldi olvasóközönség körében is jól ismert és méltán népszerű regény német nyelvű kiadása.Az Egri csillagok alcíme: Bornemissza Gergely élete. Az ő életét, sorsának alakulását követhetjük végig a műben: a gyermekkortól megannyi kalandon, a szerelem beteljesülésén át a várvédő katona tetteiig. A regény két részre tagolódik: az ostrom előttiévek és a néhány hetes ostrom. Rengeteg szereplőt, történelmi alakot és írói képzelet által megformált figurát mutat be az író. S bár a középpontban Bornemissza Gergely áll, az Egri csillagok elsősorban nem neki, hanem a török ellen küzdő magyarságnakállít emléket. Az önzetlen hazaszeretet és hazafiság példájával. Hiszen az egri vár védői szinte reménytelen helyzetben vállalták a küzdelmet, tudván azt, hogy csupán önmagukra támaszkodhatnak. A félelmetes török túlerővel szemben csodának tetszik agyőzelem. De a történelem valósága volt ez a csoda, melyet valóságos férfiak és nők - vagyis hősként viselkedő emberek értek el.
    ISBN: 9789631361872
    nyelv(ek): német
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 990 Ft

    3 392 Ft(15%)

  • All That Glitters (Geek Girl, Book 4)

    All That Glitters (Geek Girl, Book 4)

    Kiadó: Harper Collins
    My name is Harriet Manners, and I have always been a geek.The fourth book in the award-winning GEEK GIRL series.Harriet Manners knows many things.She knows that toilet roll was invented by the Chinese in 600 AD.She knows that a comet's tail always points away from the sun.And she knows that the average healthy heart beats 70 times per minute. Even when it's broken.But she knows nothing about making new friends at Sixth Form. Or why even her old friends seem to be avoiding her. And she knows even less about being a glittering supermodel success. Which she now is - apparently.
    ISBN: 9780007574612
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 910 Ft

    2 474 Ft(15%)

  • Bridgerton: It's In His Kiss (Bridgertons Book 7)

    Bridgerton: It's In His Kiss (Bridgertons Book 7)

    Kiadó: Little Brown Group Uk
    The seventh novel in Julia Quinn's globally beloved and bestselling Bridgerton Family series, set in Regency times and now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix. This is Hyacinth's story: she's all grown up and ready to cause havoc . . .
    ISBN: 9780349429489
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 990 Ft

    4 241 Ft(15%)

  • 4.50 From Paddington *

    4.50 From Paddington *

    Christie, Agatha
    Kiadó: Harper Collins
    For an instant the two trains ran together, side by side.In that frozen moment, Elspeth witnessed a murder. Helplessly, she stared out of her carriage window as a man remorselessly tightened his grip around a woman's throat.The body crumpled. Then the other train drew away.But who, apart from Miss Marple, would take her story seriously?After all, there were no suspects, no other witnesses... and no corpse.
    ISBN: 9780008196585
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 490 Ft

    2 967 Ft(15%)

  • Dark Tracks (Order of Darkness #4)

    Dark Tracks (Order of Darkness #4)

    Gregory, Philippa
    Kiadó: Harper Collins
    Luca and Isolde continue investigating for the Order of Darkness in the fourth book in the Order of Darkness series from #1 New York Times bestselling author Philippa Gregory.A Dark Tracks című angol regény a már jól ismert három kötetes Order of Darkness negyedik része.Ebben a könyvben tovább folytatódnak Luca Vero kalandjai.Luca-t mestere bízza meg, hogy felfedje az igazságot, amely a különös történések mögött meghúzódik. Négy társával, Isolda úrhölggyel, annak bizalmasával Ishraq-kal és Luca rendtársaival, Freize és Péter testvérrel indul útnak.A középkori Európát beutazva keresik a világvége jeleit...
    ISBN: 9780857077431
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 325 Ft

    3 676 Ft(15%)

  • Selected Poems (Oxford World's Classics) 1St Edition

    Selected Poems - John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester (Owc)

    John Wilmot Earl of Rochester
    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    If I by miracle can beThis livelong minute true to thee'Tis all that heav'n allows.The Earl of Rochester was England's first celebrity poet, a man who epitomized the theatricality, licentiousness, and skepticism of the Restoration age. But his scandalous reputation belies the variety and sophistication of his work: his love poems setnew standards not only for sexual explicitness but also for psychological acuity and lyric grace, while his satires broke new ground as much by the refinement of their ironies as by the brutality of their invective.A fascinatingly contradictory figure, Rochester emerges more clearly than ever from this new edition, the first selection of his work in modern spelling to take account of recent revolutionary advances in textual scholarship. It includes only poems nowsecurely attributed to the poet, in texts based not on the posthumous and unreliable printed editions but on the most authoritative manuscripts which circulated in his lifetime.Paul Davis's superb Introduction places Rochester within the larger intellectual movement of libertinism, and his notes help readers unfamiliar with Restoration usage to catch the subtler connotations of words and phrases. Of particular interest, Davisincludes in the notes the texts of the poems that Rochester translated and imitated, illuminating Rochester's creatively intricate involvement with the work of his ancient and modern counterparts, a crucial aspect of his poetic genius.
    ISBN: 9780199584321
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 235 Ft

    3 600 Ft(15%)

  • The Leopard (Harry Hole #8)

    The Leopard (Harry Hole #8)

    Nesbo, Jo
    Kiadó: Vintage Books
    In the depths of winter, two young women are found dead, both drowned in their own blood. Inspector Harry Hole, deeply traumatised by an investigation that threatened the lives of those he holds most dear, initially wants nothing to do with the case buthis instincts take over when a prominent MP is found brutally murdered.The victims appear completely unconnected to one another, but it's not long before Harry makes a discovery: the women all spent the night in the same isolated mountain hostel. And someone is picking off the guests, one by one...
    ISBN: 9780099563648
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 960 Ft

    2 516 Ft(15%)

  • A Tale of Two Cities (Owc) * 2008

    A Tale of Two Cities (Owc) * 2008

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780199536238
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 270 Ft

    1 929 Ft(15%)

  • Last Stop Auschwitz (Pb)

    Last Stop Auschwitz (Pb)

    Eddy The Wind
    Kiadó: Black Swan
    My story of survival from within the camp.Eddy de Wind, a Dutch doctor and psychiatrist, was shipped to Auschwitz with his wife Friedel, whom he had met and married at the Westerbork labour camp in the Netherlands. At Auschwitz, they made it through the brutal selection process and were put towork. Each day, each hour became a battle for survival. For Eddy, this meant negotiating with the volatile guards in the medical barracks. For Friedel, it meant avoiding the Nazis' barbaric medical experiments. As the end of the war approached and theRussian Army drew closer, the last Nazis fled, taking many prisoners with them, including Friedel. Eddy hid under a pile of old clothes and stayed behind. Finding a notebook and pencil, he began to write with furious energy about his experiences. LastStop Auschwitz is an extraordinary account of life as a prisoner, a near real-time record of the daily struggle to survive but also of the flickering moments of joy Eddy and Friedel found in each other. Documenting the best and the worst of humanity, itis a unique and timeless story that reminds us of what we as humans are capable of, but that there is hope, even in Hell.
    ISBN: 9781784164980
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 449 Ft

    2 932 Ft(15%)

  • The American Roommate Experiment

    The American Roommate Experiment

    Armas, Elena
    Kiadó: Simon & Schuster
    'Elena Armas is the undisputed queen of slow burn, steam, deliciously swoony rom-coms.' Ali Hazelwood, bestselling author of The Love HypothesisFrom the author of the Goodreads Choice Award winner The Spanish Love Deception, the eagerly anticipated follow-up featuring Rosie Graham and Lucas Martin, who are forced to share a New York apartment.Rosie Graham has a problem. A few, actually. She just quit her well paid job to focus on her secret career as a romance writer. She hasn't told her family and now has terrible writer's block. Then, the ceiling of her New York apartment literally crumbleson her. Luckily she has her best friend Lina's spare key while she's out of town. But Rosie doesn't know that Lina has already lent her apartment to her cousin Lucas, who Rosie has been stalking-for lack of a better word-on Instagram for the last fewmonths. Lucas seems intent on coming to her rescue like a Spanish knight in shining armour. Only this one strolls around the place in a towel, has a distracting grin, and an irresistible accent. Oh, and he cooks.Lucas offers to let Rosie stay with him, at least until she can find some affordable temporary housing. And then he proposes an outrageous experiment to bring back her literary muse and meet her deadline: He'll take her on a series of experimental datesmeant to jump-start her romantic inspiration. Rosie has nothing to lose. Her silly, online crush is totally under control-but Lucas's time in New York has an expiration date, and six weeks may not be enough, for either her or her deadline.A frothy, playful delight... a god-tier forced-proximity romance that had literally grinning so hard at the pages! Delicious fun from start to finish!' Christina Lauren, bestselling author of The Unhoneymooners'It's great on crushes and longing and the deep satisfaction of a slow-burn romance eventually reaching boiling point. This romcom is fresh, funny and highly enjoyable.' Daily Mail'The American Roommate Experiment feels like an homage to all things romance, bringing together so many of the genre's favourite tropes, nods and scenes in a book that is just as heart-warming and emotional as it is fun and sexy. And best of all, it'salso packed with the most delicious kind of slow-burn tension that will keep readers turning the pages and eager for more.' Culturefly'A delicious romance' Woman's Own'A light-hearted dose of fun and flirtation for die-hard romantics' Heat
    ISBN: 9781398515642
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 490 Ft

    3 816 Ft(15%)

  • Turtles All The Way Down

    Turtles All The Way Down (Hb) - Akciós

    Green, John
    Kiadó: Puffin Books
    Sixteen-year-old Aza never intended to pursue the mystery of fugitive billionaire Russell Pickett, but there's a hundred thousand dollar reward at stake and her Best and Most Fearless Friend, Daisy, is eager to investigate. So together, they navigate theshort distance and broad divides that separate them from Russell Pickett's son, Davis.Aza is trying. She is trying to be a good daughter, a good friend, a good student, and maybe even a good detective, while also living within the ever-tightening spiral of her own thoughts.In his long-awaited return, John Green, the acclaimed, award-winning author of Looking for Alaska and The Fault in Our Stars, shares Aza's story with shattering, unflinching clarity in this brilliant novel of love, resilience, and the power of lifelongfriendship.
    ISBN: 9780241335437
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    990 Ft

    842 Ft(15%)

  • Dűne (Filmes Borítóval)

    Dűne (Filmes Borítóval)

    Herbert, Frank
    Kiadó: Gabo Könyvkiadó
    A távoli jövőben az emberiség számtalan bolygót meghódított, ám mind közül a legveszélyesebb, a sivatagos Dűne egyben a legértékesebb is. Csak itt található meg az a különleges anyag, a fűszer, ami lehetővé teszi a fénynél gyorsabb űrutazást ésmeghosszabbítja az emberi életet. A fiatal Paul Atreides és családja a bolygók fölött uralkodó Császár parancsára érkezik a Dűnére, hogy átvegye annak irányítását ellenségüktől, a Harkonnenektől. Ám mind Paul apja, Leto herceg, mind pedig hűségessegítőik tudják: halálos kelepcébe sétálnak, ahol minden képességükre szükségük lesz, hogy megmeneküljenek.Frank Herbert klasszikus regényét 1965-ös megjelenése óta a legfontosabb sci-fi műnek tartják, ami nélkül nem létezhetnének olyan nagyszabású filmek sem, mint a Star Wars. Az elmúlt évtizedekben sokan próbálták már megfilmesíteni a Dűne árulással ésmisztikummal teli történetét, Herbert pedig öt további folytatást írt az eredeti regényhez. Most korunk egyik legizgalmasabb rendezője, Denis Villeneuve (Érkezés, Szárnyas fejvadász 2049) készített látványos adaptációt, ennek apropóján jelenik meg akönyv filmes borítóval, puhatáblás kiadásban.
    ISBN: 9789635661947
    nyelv(ek): magyar
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 991 Ft

    4 242 Ft(15%)

  • Cure Fatale (Fatal Cure-Haláltusa)

    Cure Fatale (Fatal Cure-Haláltusa)

    Cook, Robin
    Kiadó: Le Livre De Poche
    Bartlet est une charmante petite ville américaine. Pourtant, David et Angela Wilson, deux jeunes médecins plein d'espoir et de confiance dans la science, vont bien vite regretter de s'y etre installés. Ils commencent par découvrir que, plus qu'ailleurs,mieux vaut y etre riche et en bonne santé que pauvre et malade : on réprimande les médecins prescrivant des actes jugés onéreux et les remboursements sont plus qu'aléatoires. Plus grave : les malades de David commencent a mourir un peu trop rapidement etle cadavre de l'ancien directeur de l'h?pital ne trouve rien de mieux a faire que de réappara?tre dans la cave des Wilson. Trcs vite, David et Angela sont eux-memes menacés...Chirurgien de formation, c'est tout naturellement que l'Américain Robin Cook (a ne pas confondre avec son homonyme anglais) a fait du thriller médical son genre de prédilection en signant une bonne douzaine de best-sellers dont Vertiges ou Ficvre.Inspiré de faits réels, ce roman dénonce une médecine prise en otage par l'argent ainsi qu'une machination hélas parfaitement crédible.
    ISBN: 9782253170174
    nyelv(ek): francia
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 140 Ft

    2 669 Ft(15%)

  • The Invention of Sound

    The Invention of Sound

    Palahniuk, Chuck
    Kiadó: Hodder & Stoughton Ltd.
    Private detective Foster Gates is a father is in search of his missing daughter, and sound engineer Mitzi harbors a secret that may help him solve the case. It is Mitzis job to create the dubbed screams used in horror films and action movies. She is thebest at what she does.But what no one in Hollywood knows is the screams Mitzi produces are harvested from the real, horror-filled, blood-chilling screams of people in their death throes--a technique first employed by Mitzis father and one she continues on in his memory-adeeply conflicted serial killer compelled beyond her understanding to honor her fathers chilling legacy.Soon Foster finds himself on Mitzis trail. And in pursuit of her dark art, Mitzi realizes she has created the perfect scream, one that compels anyone who hears it to mirror the sound as long as they listen to it--a highly contagious seismic event withthe potential to bring the country to its knees.
    ISBN: 9781472155504
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 780 Ft

    3 213 Ft(15%)

  • A Woman Killed With Kindness and Other D. Plays (Owc) * 2008

    A Woman Killed With Kindness and Other D. Plays (Owc) * 2008

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    This is a unique collection of plays from the early modern or English Renaissance period, bringing together four key examples of 'domestic' drama, inaugurated in about 1590 by The Tragedy of Master Arden of Faversham. Each of the plays sheds fascinating light on contemporary English society in their handling of issues such as marriage, crime, and property, involving adultery, murder, witchcraft and the obligations of friendship. All the texts are edited to modern standards from the earliest surviving copies, with explanatory notes and a glossary. A critical introdution outlines the ways in which all four plays raise complex questions about the English society in which their tragic events unfold. A chronology details the history of the plays and their genre from sources to recent stage history. Two appendices supply new analysis of scholarly issues relating to two of the plays: who wrote Arden of Faversham and when did Heywood write The English Traveller.Arden of Faversham * A Woman Killed with Kindness * The Witch of Edmonton * The English TravellerIn about 1590, an unknown dramatist had the idea of writing a tragedy about the lives of ordinary people, instead of the genre's usual complement of kings and queens and politicians. His play, Arden of Faversham, inaugurated a new genre of 'domestic'drama, set in near-contemporary England and concerned with issues of marriage, crime, and property rather than war and power. Arden dramatizes a notorious murder case of forty years earlier, in which a wealthy husband was killed by his wife and herlover.In Thomas Heywood's A Woman Killed with Kindness, a wife is caught by her husband in bed with his best friend, only to find that he takes unusual reprisals. The Witch of Edmonton combines a true-life story of witchcraft with a fictitious tale of bigamyand wife-murder, and The English Traveller deals with the unexpected and unwelcome changes people find when they return home after a lengthy absence.Part of the Oxford English Drama series, this edition has modern-spelling texts
    ISBN: 9780192829504
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 195 Ft

    2 716 Ft(15%)

  • Femme Fatale ( Plbc No.15 )

    Femme Fatale ( Plbc No.15 )

    Maupassant,Guy De
    Kiadó: Penguin Books Ltd
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