

  • Budapest Scientific - A Guidebook

    Budapest Scientific - A Guidebook

    Hargittai István
    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    This guidebook introduces the reader to the visible memorabilia of science and scientists in Budapest - statues, busts, plaques, buildings, and other artefacts. According to the Hungarian-American Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi, this metropolis atthe crossroads of Europe has a special atmosphere of respect for science. It has been the venue of numerous scientific achievements and the cradle, literally, of many individuals who in Hungary, and even more beyond its borders, became world-renownedcontributors to science and culture.Six of the eight chapters of the book cover the Hungarian Nobel laureates, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the university, the medical school, agricultural sciences, and technology and engineering. One chapter is about selected secondary schools fromwhich seven Nobel laureates (Szent-Györgyi, de Hevesy, Wigner, Gabor, Harsanyi, Olah, and Kertész) and the five Martians of Science (von Kármán, Szilard, Wigner, von Neumann, and Teller) had graduated. The concluding chapter is devoted to scientistmartyrs of the Holocaust.
    ISBN: 9780198719076
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    15 023 Ft

    12 769 Ft(15%)

  • Climate Change - Obw Factfile 2

    Climate Change - Obw Factfiles 2

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194236317
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Martin Luther King - Obw Factfiles 3 * 2E

    Martin Luther King - Obw Factfiles 3 * 2E

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    The United States in the 1950s and 60s was a troubled place. Black people were angry, because they did not have the same rights as whites. It was a time of angry words, of marches, of protests, a time of bombs and killings.But above the angry noise came the voice of one man - a man of peace. 'I have a dream,' said Martin Luther King, and it was a dream of blacks and whites living together in peace and freedom. This is the story of anextraordinary man, who changed American history in his short life.
    ISBN: 9780194233934
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Discourse Analysis (Oils)

    Discourse Analysis (Oils)

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    - a concise but comprehensive survery- Includes suggestions for further study and reading, and a glossary.An account of how meaning is expressed and interpreted in spoken and written texts. The book explains key concepts like context, co-text and schema and explores their relevance to an understanding of how texts are constructed and interpreted. Itdiscusses the relationship between analysis and interpretation with particular reference to the work of critical discourse analysis, and looks at the contribution that corpus linguistics has made to the analysis and interpretation of text. Name of series: Oxford Introductions to Language StudyReadership: university students, teachers, teachers in training, teacher trainers, lecturers
    ISBN: 9780194389211
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    5 710 Ft

    4 854 Ft(15%)

  • Dinosaurs - Obw Factfiles 3

    Dinosaurs - Obw Factfiles 3

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Imagine an animal with teeth as big as bananas - and a brain as big as an orange. Or a flying animal with wings as wide ad a small plane. Think about a tail that could knock a man's head off, or a mouth with hundreds of teeth. It is any surprise thatpeople are intrested in dinosaurs?
    ISBN: 9780194794466
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 790 Ft

    2 371 Ft(15%)

  • The Road To Stockholm

    The Road To Stockholm

    Hargittai István
    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    The Nobel Prizes enjoy enormous prestige throughout the world. Every year, science is propelled into the limelight, and in October, when the prizes are announced, and December, when they are awarded at a ceremony in Stockholm, a chosen few scientistsacquire celebrity status and their science receives wide coverage in the news media. First awarded in 1901, the Nobel Prize remains the only science prize widely recognized by the general public. What sort of scientists become Nobel laureates? How arethey chosen? Are there features common to them, and to their prize-winning research? These sorts of questions have long intrigued Istvan Hargittai and seeking answers, he began interviewing Nobel prize-winning scientists about their careers. Some 70laureates, and a similar number of other distinguished scientists, have been interviewed, most of them during the late 1990s, and the result is this remarkable book. Written for a general readership, The Road to Stockholm illuminates the nature ofscientific discovery, the Nobel Prize selection process, the factors common to award-winning research, and the effects of the Nobel Prize on science itself. Here are stories of scientists who overcame adversity, eventually to win the Prize
    ISBN: 9780198509127
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld
    Ameddíg a készlet tart (utolsó 1-10 pld)

    Webes ár:

    8 475 Ft

    7 204 Ft(15%)

  • Titanic - Obw Factfiles 1 * 3E

    Titanic - Obw Factfiles 1 * 3E

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    On a quiet sea, the biggest ship in the world is waiting. There is no noise from the engines. Up in the night sky there are hundereds of stars. Behind the ship, and iceburg, a great mountain of ice - goes slowly away into the black night.
    ISBN: 9780194236195
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Formula One - Obw Factfile 3

    Formula One - Obw Factfiles 3

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    It's an exciting life - full of fast cars, money, and travel. The names of Formula One champions are known all over the world. And everywhere young drivers dream of success one day in Monaco, Melbourne, Monza ...But it is a difficult life too. Drivers need strong bodies - and minds. They
    ISBN: 9780194236478
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Disaster! - Obw Factfiles 4 * 2E

    Disaster! - Obw Factfiles 4 * 2E

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194233958
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Leonardo Da Vinci - Obw Factfiles 2

    Leonardo Da Vinci - Obw Factfiles 2

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Hogy néz ki a föld a holdról nézve? Hogyan működik a testünk? Tudnak-e az emberek repülni? Tudnék-e nyolc méter magas bronzlovat készíteni? Hogyan lehetnének tisztábbak városaink? Leonardo egész életében kérdéseket tett föl, és megpróbált rájukválaszolni. Noha elsősorban művészetéről ismerjük, a mai napig is ő az egyik legnagyobb valaha élt gondolkodó, napjainkban is tanulnak tőle tudósok, orvosok. Ismerjük meg közelebbről azt az embert, aki robot oroszlánt készített, tükörírással írt, ésúgy próbált háborút nyerni, hogy elterel egy folyót...Az új Factfile sorozatból megismerhetjük az 1460-as évekbeli Firenzét, ahol a gazdag emberek nem győzték elkölteni a pénzüket, biztos megélhetést adva ezzel a képző-és iparművészeknek. Itt dolgozott Andrea del Verrocchio mester is, számtalan segédjével.Köztük dolgozott a különös Leonardo, a mester Vinciből való barátjának fia, aki kitűnt a többiek közül érdeklődésével, végtelen tudásszomjával és tehetségével.A2-B1 szint, 700 kulcsszó
    ISBN: 9780194236706
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • William and Kate - Obw Factfiles 1

    William and Kate - Obw Factfiles 1

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Mindenki fényképeket készített Vilmos hercegről. mikor belépett a St Andrews egyetem kapuján. Tömegek érkeztek a skót kisvárosba, hogy láthassák a nevezetes új diákot, a Királynő 19 éves unokáját. Kate Middleton első napját azonban senki nem akartamegörökíteni az egyetemen. Csendesen beköltözött, és készen állt tanulmányai megkezdésére. Csak egy átlagos diák volt, átlagos jövővel. Vagy mégsem?Vilmos herceg egyike a világ leghíresebb fiatalembereinek. Régi patinás családból származik, édesanyja a gyönyörű Diana hercegnő, édesapja pedig Károly herceg, a trónörökös, Anglia eljövendő uralkodója.Vilmos is király lesz egyszer. Ha valaki pedig egyszer király lesz, a világ szeme állandóan rajta van.Az élete minden területére kíváncsiak az emberek, a barátaira, az iskoláira, és persze mindenek előtt a barátnőjére. Ki a barátnője Vilmosnak? -kérdezgetik az újságokjra és újra. Mi a neve? Királyi csalódból való, vagy netalán külföldi?És végül megkapta a világ a választ: 2011. április 29-én a herceg és Cambridge hercegnője egybekeltek: William és Kate700 kulcsszavas, A1-A2 nyelvtudás szintnek megfeleltetett könnyített olvasmány
    ISBN: 9780194236683
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Oceans - Obw Factfiles Level 2

    Oceans - Obw Factfiles Level 2

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Thousands of years ago, people looked out across an ocean and asked themselves, 'What is on the other side?' And the bravest of them began to travel and find the answers - beautiful islands, frozen lands, different peoples . . .And there are stillinteresting questions about the oceans.
    ISBN: 9780194794435
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • The Everest Story - Obw Factfiles 3

    The Everest Story - Obw Factfiles 3

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Oxford Bookworms Factfiles are non-fiction books. They provide up-to-date information supported by high-quality colour photos.
    ISBN: 9780194236430
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Pbr - Oxford Dictionary of Law Enforcement

    Oxford Dictionary of Law Enforcement

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780192807021
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 950 Ft

    4 208 Ft(15%)

  • American Immigration (Very Short Introduction - 274)

    American Immigration (Very Short Introduction - 274)

    Gerber, David A.
    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Americans have come from every corner of the globe, and they have been brought together by a variety of historical processes-conquest, colonialism, the slave trade, territorial acquisition, and voluntary immigration. A thoughtful look at immigration,anti-immigration sentiments, and the motivations and experiences of the migrants themselves, this book offers a compact but wide-ranging look at one of America's hottest issues.Historian David Gerber begins by examining the many legal efforts to curb immigration and to define who is and is not an American, ranging from the Naturalization Law of 1795 (which applied only to free-born white persons) to the Chinese Exclusion Actof 1882, the Emergency Quota Act of 1921, and the reform-minded Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which opened the door to millions of newcomers, the vast majority from Asia and Latin America. The book also looks at immigration from theperspective of the migrant-farmers and industrial workers, mechanics and domestics, highly trained professionals and small-business owners-who willingly pulled up stakes for the promise of a better life. Throughout, the book sheds light on therelationships between race and ethnicity in the life of these groups and in the formation of American society, and it stresses the marked continuities across waves of immigration and across different racial and ethnic groups.
    ISBN: 9780195331783
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 600 Ft

    3 060 Ft(15%)

  • Space - Obw Factfiles 3 * 3E

    Space - Obw Factfiles 3 * 3E

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Is there anyone who has not looked at the dark sky, and the shining points of light above us, and asked themselves questions about what is out there? Where did our planet come from? When did the universe begin? Could we live on another planet? And onequestion above all - is there life anywhere else in space? Begin a journey into space - where spacecraft travel at thousands of kilometres an hour, temperatures are millions of degrees, and a planet may be hard rock - or a ball of gas. In space,everything is extraordinary . . .
    ISBN: 9780194236737
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • John Lennon - Obw Factfile 1

    John Lennon - Obw Factfiles 1

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194237888
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Oxford Concise Dictionary of English Etymology

    Oxford Concise Dictionary of English Etymology

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780192830982
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 610 Ft

    3 069 Ft(15%)

  • John F. Kennedy - Obw Factfiles 2

    John F. Kennedy - Obw Factfiles 2

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    'Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.' More than fifty years ago, the new US President, John F. Kennedy, spoke these words. Millions of Americans listened, and they were filled with hope. With Kennedy aspresident, surely there was a great future ahead for their country. But Kennedy would not finish his four years as president. In November 1963, the word stopped as terrible news came from Dallas, Texas...
    ISBN: 9780194236720
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Hollywood - Obw Factfiles 1 Book+Cd

    Hollywood - Obw Factfiles 1 Book+Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Hollywood - nine big white letters against the Hollywood Hills. Every year millions of people come from all over the world and look up at this famous sign. Why do they come? They come to see the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and to see the handand foot prints outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre. They come to visit Universal Studios, and perhaps to see a movie star or two, Most of all, they come to be is the most famous place in movie history - exciting, wonderful Hollywood!
    ISBN: 9780194236638
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    1 895 Ft

    1 611 Ft(15%)

  • African History (Very Short Introduction - 160)

    African History (Very Short Introduction - 160)

    Parker, John & Rathbone, Richard
    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    This Very Short Introduction looks at Africa's past and reflects on the changing ways it has been imagined and represented, both in Africa and beyond. The author illustrates important aspects of Africa's history with a range of fascinating historicalexamples, drawn from over 5 millennia across this vast continent. The multitude of topics that the reader will learn about in this succinct work include the unity and diversity of African cultures, slavery, religion, colonial conquest, the diaspora, andthe importance of history in understanding contemporary Africa. The book examines questions such as: Who invented the idea of Africa? How is African history pieced together, given such a lack of documentary evidence? How did Africa interact with theworld 1,000 years ago?Africa has been known as 'the cradle of mankind', and its recoverable history stretches back to the Pharaohs. But the idea of studying African history is itself new, and the authors show why it is still contested and controversial. This VSI, the firstconcise work of its kind, will prove essential reading for anyone interested in the African continent and the diversity of human history.
    ISBN: 9780192802484
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    4 540 Ft

    3 859 Ft(15%)

  • Dinosaurs - Obw Factfiles 3 Book+Cd

    Dinosaurs - Obw Factfiles 3 Book+Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Oxford Bookworms enjoy a world-wide reputation for high-quality storytelling and a great reading experience. Research shows reading a lot improves all your language skills. Experts recognize Oxford Bookworms as the most consistent series in terms oflanguage control, length, and quality of
    ISBN: 9780194794459
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    1 895 Ft

    1 611 Ft(15%)

  • Weddings Around The World Factfile Level 1

    Weddings Around The World Factfiles Level 1

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    The bride wore a long white dress, with flowers in her hair. After the wedding, there was a party, and people gave presents to the bride and groom.' This wedding was nearly two thousand years ago, in Rome. Some things don't change.But some things do.Today you can have a wedding on a
    ISBN: 9780194787277
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 150 Ft

    1 828 Ft(15%)

  • World Wonders - Obw Factfiles 2

    World Wonders - Obw Factfiles 2

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    What are the most beautiful, the most interesting, the most wonderful things in the world? The Great Pyramid, the Great Wall of China, the Panama Canal - everyone has their favourites. And there are natural wonders too - Mount Everest, Niagara Falls, andthe Northern Lights, for
    ISBN: 9780194237765
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • The Illustrated Cultural History of India

    The Illustrated Cultural History of India

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    In A Cultural History of India, first published in 1975, A.L. Basham brought together scholars from across the globe to provide international viewpoints on the rich cultural heritage of India. With contributors from across the world covering a wide arrayof topics including religion, philosophy, social organization, literature, art, architecture, music, and science, the book presented a comprehensive survey of India's rich cultural heritage. Over the years the book became a classic in its own right.
    ISBN: 9780195691924
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    3 800 Ft

    3 230 Ft(15%)

  • Hollywood - Obw Factfiles 1

    Hollywood - Obw Factfiles 1

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    Hollywood - nine big white letters against the Hollywood Hills. Every year millions of people come from all over the world and look up at this famous sign. Why do they come? They come to see the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and to see the handand foot prints outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre. They come to visit Universal Studios, and perhaps to see a movie star or two, Most of all, they come to be is the most famous place in movie history - exciting, wonderful Hollywood!
    ISBN: 9780194236713
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)

  • Weddings Around The World - Factfiles Level 1 Book+Cd

    Weddings Around The World - Factfiles Level 1 Book+Cd

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    The bride wore a long white dress, with flowers in her hair. After the wedding, there was a party, and people gave presents to the bride and groom.' This wedding was nearly two thousand years ago, in Rome. Some things don't change.But some things do.Today you can have a wedding on a
    ISBN: 9780194787260
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    1 795 Ft

    1 526 Ft(15%)

  • Seasons and Celebrations - Obw Factfiles 2 * 2E

    Seasons and Celebrations - Obw Factfiles 2 * 2E

    Kiadó: Oxford University Press
    ISBN: 9780194233835
    nyelv(ek): angol
    Raktárkészlet: 1-10 pld

    Webes ár:

    2 750 Ft

    2 338 Ft(15%)